A national-wide desk and field researches have been operated in Bulgaria in regards of the framework for operating social entrepreneurship in the country, as well the needs for some educational content on this topic. 

The desk research has been done thanks to analysis of several official national documents relevant for this subject, meanwhile the field research has involved 50 respondents from diverse target groups including social entrepreneurs, educational institutions representatives and adult learners.
The purpose of the final national-wide research report is to help the provision of educational courses and content on the topic of social entrepreneurship in order to stimulate such activities around Bulgaria in the future.
The project team will soon release a common report which will present a comparative analysis of the social entrepreneurship framework for the 6 countries involved in the project partnership ( Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Italy, Greece and Latvia).
The team of Horizont ProConsult presents its gratitude to all people and institutions that took part in the survey!

A repo

The report of the study can be downloaded here


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