Multiplier events for the Alliance for Social Entrepreneurship (ASE) project


The multiplier events gave the possibility to present the results of the project and discuss future projects with the participants. Horizon ProConsult shared its experience and results from the work of the Alliance for Social Entrepreneurship (ASE) project (2019-1-BE01-KA204-050396), funded as an Erasmus + Strategic Partnership project.

The event had a special focus on the project results – a report on the state of social entrepreneurship, educational modules representing knowledge and expertise for creating a social enterprise; web platform containing all the results of the project. In addition to the project, a podcast was developed – recordings of conversations with social entrepreneurs about their ideas, experiences and ways to make the world a better place for everyone. You can hear them HERE.

All the results play an important role in the development of social entrepreneurship and make the access of the interested people easier. The event also provided an opportunity to explore areas of cooperation between all participants.

You can see more about the project and the results: HERE


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