The Intellectual Output 1 activity. BRAIN

Students Learning

During the past month, the Horizont ProConsult team undertook an interesting research, part of the BRAIN (BRinging STEM into Active agINg) project, number 2020-1-PL01-KA204-08180. It is in particular one of the short-term goals IO1 (Intellectual Output 1) of BRAIN.

The idea is that every partnering country should carry out a desk research with focus on specific keywords. At the end of the project period, the results will be summed up in the project report. 

The Bulgariamn team showed great readiness to dig deep down the academic journals, European regulations and other official resources, to gather the required information on the project. The results will be published on the Horizont ProConsult’s website, as well as on our social media pages.

Stay safe!


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