Celebrating the Day of Languages

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European Day of Languages ​​is celebrated annually on 26 September, as an initiative of the Council of Europe. In this regard, together with our partners in the Career Accessibility for Resilient Employment in STEMM (CARES) project, we decided to celebrate this important date.

Here is how the enthusiastic and creative students of the elite AEG “Geo Milev” Burgas, our partners in the project, celebrated the Day of Languages.

With enthusiasm and creativity, the students welcomed the day of languages ​​through a lot of music, smiles, personal expression, which turned into German, English, Portuguese, Russian, Japanese and Chinese. Author’s acrostic poems were created, where the first letter of each verse was the title of the STEM position. Posters, recipes, cards, slogans in all languages, as well as songs recreated the incredible atmosphere of the international spirit. The young artists at AEG “Geo Milev”, Burgas once again demonstrated creativity and ambition.

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