Midterm Evaluation Meeting for the project “Work Based Learning 2”

On the 31st of April was held the Midterm Evaluation Meeting for the project WBL 2 in Barcelos , Portugal where representatives from all 7 partner countries made the final adjustments for the finalization of the intellectual outputs and conclusion of the project on a good note.

The main objectives of Work Based Learning 2 have been to create networks and partnerships across Europe that will improve the quality and efficiency of VET, enhance the impact and relevance of vocational education for VET learners and employers, and build cross-border cooperation for VET quality and attractiveness.

The main topic of this meeting was to provide information and to share ideas and practices on how exactly to structure the platform, so that it can effectively serve as a communication tool between NGOs and other institutions, interested in creating new partnership and cross-border cooperation for VET.

During the meeting we managed to make the rearrangements needed in order to provide the stakeholders with more concrete and useful information. Everyone was involved in the evaluation of the Intellectual Outputs and what follows is to make the proper adjustments to conclude the work on the outputs on a good note.


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