The results of “Creating VET Business Partnerships for Work-Based Learning”


The results of the project “Creating VET Business Partnerships for Work-Based Learning” were presented to students and companies in Stara Zagora on March 28 and 29, 2022. More than 35 participants took part in the meetings, who showed special interest in the results of the project.


We were proud to present the new online platform, where vocational students can meet and partner with different companies offering internships in different fields. Students from Northern Macedonia, Bulgaria, Greece and Turkey – countries where internships in real working environments are less common – now have the chance to make first contact with their future employers more easily and get online references for practices that would suit them. helped to apply for a job in the future.

The VET-WBL Guide and the Passport of Success were also presented. As a guide, it is a comprehensive guide to good practice, describing the steps towards creating and running a work-based curriculum for schools and internship companies, and the passport is a diary with which students can track progress and learning.


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