The beginning of the internship – and now what?

what now

The internship from the project “Professional Practice in Trade and Economics – First Steps to Success” is currently underway in Zaragoza, Spain.

Students who are taking part in the program are studying in High schools specialized in trade and financial management from Montana, Yambol and Stara Zagora, which are represented in the consortium.

Our participants arrived in Spain in early July and will spend 23 days in this sunny country, having the opportunity to practice their knowledge in a real work environment.

Upon arrival, Asociacion Mundus organized a special orientation day and a short welcome training. During the event, the groups learned about some important aspects of the Spanish way of life, as well as the characteristics of the city of Zaragoza. The aim was to help the participants get used to the new environment and better orientate in the city.

After that, the internships for the students began, accompanied by mentoring, as well as overall evaluation and recognition of the results of the practice. Meetings are organized weekly between mentors in the companies, teachers and our partners from Asociacion Mundus, in order to monitor the progress of the internship and to have feedback on the performance of the participants.


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