News from our internship program 2021


In connection with the strategic cooperation project “Creating VET business Partnerships for Work based learning”, who is funded from Macedonian National Agency, implementing Erasmus+ program under number 2020-1-MK01-KA202-077920, the internship program was held for 11th grade students at the National High School of Commerce- Plovdiv for the period 05.07-23.07.2021. They had the opportunity to apply their skills in a real working environment, to get acquainted with the activity of the company, with the opportunities for realization and growth.
Not only that but also they gained irreplaceable experience and knowledge about preparation and management of projects, development of strategic plans and their implementation.

According to the main goal of the organization, through the internship program we strive to contribute to a smoother transition of young people from the field of education to the trade market and the world of corporations and business.


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