Feedback from the project “European experience – first steps towards professional realization”

Natalia Tsvetkova

During the project “European experience – first steps towards professional realization” we gained a lot of useful knowledge related not only to our professional development, but also to the Spanish culture. We had the opportunity to visit many different places, meet new people and make new contacts, personal and professional. From the point of view […]

Francesca Kassabova

Our summer practice in Zaragoza organized by Horizont ProConsult and Association Mundus was at the Jorge restaurant-Aida GastroEspacio.  The experience was very interesting, enjoyable and we learned a lot of new things about marketing and accounting and we effectively applied our skills learned in school.  Our boss always helped us when we had difficulties at […]

Maria Draganova

The adventure began on arrival in the city of Zaragoza late in the evening on July 1. I was accommodated in the Gran Via Hotel, where I stayed for 23 days. The first day began with an acquaintance with the group and the Mundus Association. The people from Mundus presented the goals and organization of […]

Emili Asparuhova and Kamen Marinov

We arrived in the beautiful city of Zaragoza on the first of July, tired from the long journey. After relaxing at the hotel we went to the building of the association “Mundus”, where we all shared our expectations and prepared for the upcoming experience. The next few days we got acquainted with the sights and […]

Magdalena Boeva and Mira Krasteva

The project “European experience – first steps towards professional realization” gave us the opportunity to develop our skills and cultural knowledge first hand. Because of it we started our first job and laid the foundations of our professional career development. We worked in Drolimsa, a cleaning product supplier, in the Administration Department. There we got […]

Miglena Angelova

The project offered us a 23-day internship in the city of Zaragoza, Spain. We had the opportunity to work in foreign companies, to practice the language and to get to know the city we were in. Zaragoza is a beautiful city that offers the opportunity for endless walks and unforgettable views. A very industrial city […]

Maria Abud

Summer practice in Spain-Zaragoza My summer internship in Zaragoza, organized by Mundos, was a good start for our profession in the future. I worked in the restaurant of Jorge-Aida GastroEspacio. The experience was very interesting, enjoyable and we learned a lot of new things about marketing and accounting and effectively applied our skills learned in […]

Ivan Mutafchiev

Summer practice in Spain   We spent three weeks of the summer in Zaragoza working in local companies, gaining experience and knowledge. It was very beneficial for us all because we improved our working, organizational, communicational and social skills. Being in a group of so many different people contributed to our development. The pre-selection of students […]

Selina Makaveiska

For me, the internship in Zaragoza was an incredible adventure, in which I am so happy that I had the opportunity to take part. Starting with the place, Zaragoza is an extremely beautiful city, full of beautiful buildings and cultural attractions, delicious food, museums and galleries and last but not least – wonderful people. This […]

Martina Dinova

I spent twenty-three days in Zaragoza under the project “European experience – first steps towards professional realization”. For me this time passed imperceptibly. During this period I managed to learn a lot about the life of the people here, the culture of the country and to find out what is the right thing for me. […]

Nelina Ivanova

I spent 23 days internship in the city of Zaragoza under the project “European experience – first steps towards professional realization”. During this time I had the opportunity to work and get to know the culture of the country. I learned a lot of new things that will be useful to me in the future. […]

Lazara Prichkapova

Today is the penultimate day of my stay in Zaragoza under the program “European experience – first steps towards professional realization”. I want to say that these weeks passed for a long time to enjoy the time to the fullest, but in fact they flew away imperceptibly. Twenty-three days after my arrival, I have gained […]

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