VET Circle: LTT in Leiden


From 8th to 13th of May, Horizont ProConsult took part in Dutch VET Cicle Training in Leiden, Netherlands.  Leiden is a typical university city and the students from all over the world give the place a bustling, vivid and international atmosphere.

The training supports the capacity building of the stakeholders thus helping the development of how to establish the business partnerships and share the Dutch experience and teach the participants how to implement the VET Circle.  Our participation in it was an opportunity to develop a community of further support for the professional VET Circle. We exchanged knowledge and discussed the situation in all of the participating countries regarding the practical placements of VET students in companies.

The training activities aim is to enhance the potential of the participants for work based learning schemes and professional organization of work placements. Experts from the Netherlands took part and we had the opportunity to establish good connections with the companies and to gain more knowledge on how to motivate the students to have practical placements.


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