Work experience in Poland under the project “New opportunities for development in forestry”

VET Velingrad

In July 2023 in Kielce, Poland, a vocational training was held, where students from the “Hristo Botev” National School of Forestry – Velingrad acquired practical skills in forestry and care for nature. The project took place thanks to the “Regional Centre for Volunteering in Kielce” and through Erasmus+. The practical training took place in one of Poland’s newest landscape parks.

Some of the activities in which the students from the National Vocational School of Forestry had the opportunity to participate were:

– Improving the hydrological conditions of the Nida River

– Active protection of birds, aquatic organisms, and plant species

– Environmental monitoring

– Socio-economic impact assessment

– Tree planting

In addition, the students were guests at the municipality of Kielce, where they met the city’s chief landscape architect, Sebastian Wroblewski, and Eng. Paweł Kosinski. They also attended guest lectures where they were introduced to the state of forests in Poland, as well as future projects to be implemented, aiming to turn Kielce into a greener city using new innovative methods.

The training was successful and the whole experience was very enriching for the students from Velingrad. They also had the opportunity to visit some of Poland’s cultural centers including the city of Krakow and the capital Warsaw. 


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