VET circle: Second Transnational Partnership Meeting


The Second Transnational Meeting for the project VET circle took place in Skopje, North Macedonia on the 13th and 14th of July and it was held by the partner association Foundation Memorial center “Nikola Kljusev”. There were 11 participants coming from all partner countries. 

The project’s aim is to help companies find the most suitable students with vocational education, as well as the students to find the best work placement for their skills. We are in the process of creating a platform which will work as a mediator between the students searching for practical work and the companies offering a variety of positions. Through this innovative platform students would be able to apply for positions in all partner countries including Greece, Turkey, The Netherlands, and North Macedonia. The project aims to promote work-based learning and the dual educational system, in general.

Previously there have been one TPM meeting in Bulgaria in December and one LTT meeting in The Netherlands in May. During the Learning Teaching and Training meeting in the Netherlands four teachers from every country took part in lectures and the knowledge exchange discussions. The partners already agreed on the different modules that the platform will contain, including E-learning course for mentors, E-learning course for teachers and others. This July the second TPM meeting during the VET circle project took place in Skopje, North Macedonia.

By the end of the year the on-line platform will be ready, including the on-line courses. The system will be tested and launched next year. Horizont ProConsult will work on the evaluation module. There will be an evaluation done by the students, the teachers, and the mentors. Every country will prepare a presentation, a short video, and a questionnaire for their module. The final TPM meeting will take place in Turkey in June of next year.

This meeting was very fruitful for the partners, as we were able to discuss and evaluate in group the work that has already been done as well as next steps. 


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