KA153 ACTIVolunteers: Training course for youth workers in collaboration with association “Public Initiative”


“Horizont ProConsult” and association “Public Initiative” recently organized a training course for the Erasmus+ KA1 project ACTIVolunteers aimed at youth workers. The mobility took place in Burgas, Bulgaria and together participants from seven different countries including the Czech Republic, Italy, Spain, Poland, Romania, Turkey, and Bulgaria. Overall, there were 30 participants who attended this 7-day long program which aimed to promote community building and volunteering through “Education through sport” methodology.

The course used team building, communication skills, and problem solving methods to engage all participants actively into group work. Through games and team building activities participants learnt how important their role is in taking care of their surrounding environment. They had the chance to get to know Burgas in the centre and the beach area as well as in the quieter suburbs, where neighbourhoods are made up of green spaces, children’ playgrounds and schools.  The participants contributed to taking care of their surrounding environment by volunteering and cleaning up a section of the Burgas Beach. 

Our team experts implemented non-formal educational techniques by working closely together with association “Public Initiative”. On the last night of the course, all participants enjoyed traditional Bulgarian dinner and danced the night away side by side with locals. We would like to thank everyone for attending and helping us complete yet another successful project. Let’s keep moving forward together!


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