WBL Platform


The third planned output for the project „Work Based Learning- Pathway to youth empowerment”, is a network for international collaboration, aiming at fostering the exchange of ideas, partnerships creation and improvement of the collaboration among European entities, relevant for the implementation of WBL and apprenticeships schemes. 

The idea of the network is to also support the development of new practices for training and education of young people, in view of enhancing their professional orientation and career development, so as for strengthening youth empowerment through the application of innovative learning patterns. 

The aim of the network is to provide space where regional, national and international institutional actors will be free to register and announce their collaborative offers in this sector. On the other hand, those who are in need of collaborative entities, can join the network and operate partner search with specific criteria in regards to the practices they would like to operate. 

The platform addresses several target groups, mainly :

  • Youth NGOs and fellow organizations, willing to implement WBL practices at national and international levels 
  • Educational institutions, VET and Adult education centers providing such learning for their target groups
  • Business actors and relevant structures and employers willing to host WBL practices nationally and internationally

The network is presented under a form of interactive online structure – platform, gathering all related features and allowing easy partner search and collaborative options within its framework. Also, the platform has the option where those offers will be announced. 

All entities are able to register within the network, create a profile and provide information on their main activities and projects which they implement. In the platform, there is a possibility to log in and partners can provide detailed information for their current actions and activities. They are able to share offers for collaboration, for which specific types of actors are sought or they are looking for, as well several details on the requested or sought collaborations.

We from Horizont ProConsult encourage you to register and benefit from all the positives of this platform! You can do it here: WBL – Homepage (wblnetworking.eu)


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